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Iron ore pellet screenings

Iron ore pellet screenings are generated during particle-size classification of the pellets produced.

The advantages of screenings include their high Fe content, consistent chemical composition, and low levels of harmful impurities.

They are used as a raw material for sintering production.

The final dimensions and characteristics are agreed with the customer individually

General information

Enterprise Lebedinsky GOK
Normative document name TU 07.10.10-002-00186803-2016
Distinctive characteristics and properties Characterised by high content of useful elements and low content of harmful impurities. Non-flammable, non-explosive, non-toxic.
Industrial applications Steel industry
Application areas Sintering production
Total Fe content (%) 65.92

(minimum 64.0)

FeO content (%) 0.66

(not regulated)

Al2O3 content (%) 0.3

(not regulated)

СаО content (%) 0.47

(not regulated)

MgО content (%) 0.26

(not regulated)

S content (%) 0.0055

(not regulated)

P content (%) 0.008

(not regulated)

K2O content (%) 0.037

(not regulated)

Na2O content (%) 0.066

(not regulated)

TiO2 content (%) 0.035

(not regulated)

SiO2 content (%) 4.76

(not regulated)

Packaging and marking


Storage, transportation, delivery conditions

Minimum order 69 tonnes (delivery by hopper cars)
Transportation requirements All types of transport modes can transport pellets, as long as it is in accordance with the transportation requirements for each specific mode of transport. Pellets can be transported in bulk, in conditions safe from contamination and mixing with other materials, as well as in conditions that avoid cargo spillage.
Storage requirements Should be stored in conditions safe from contamination and mixing with other materials.

Freeze-proofing measures (shoveling, application of special anti-freeze solutions, etc.) shall be taken during cold season, if required.

Notes To reduce losses of pellet screenings during transportation, it is advisable to add iron ore concentrate on the bottom of the rail car to form an even layer of up to 10% of the car load capacity.

It is allowed to transport pellets with a total iron content deviation of 2.0%. This amount should not exceed 10% of the monthly supply volume of each customer.